The special activities of the Rákospalota Correctional Institute and Central Special Children’s 
Home are based on the one hand on historical traditions, on the other hand on past decades’ 
and the recent years’ professional upgrading aspirations. The three main activities of the 
institution, the reformatory education, the pre-trial detention of juvenile offenders and the 
special children's home care, have different pasts.

The history of Rákospalota Correctional Institute is over 130 years, it was opened in 1890. In 
1995, the legal path of the pre-trial detention of juvenile offenders was opened. In 2006, the 
institution was given the opportunity to – in its aims and instruments similar, however still 
showing differences – operate special children’s home. It is ensured mainly for girls freed from 
the correctional part, but in some cases for those freed of pre-trial detention or dismissed of 
special children’s home, and have already reached the age. Since 2016, the institution can 
ensure placement for four mothers together with their four children by operating a special 
The girls living in the institution struggle with deviances, behavioural disorders, psychological 
problems, drug use. At the same time approximately sixty girls live in the institution, on the 
average for two years. 

According to our aims, we try through correctional, personalized education to compensate for 
deficiencies in their socialisation, failed sense of success, in order to make them finish their 
school, to teach some basic things of everyday life. Our basic aim is to support their continuing 
schooling, to finish school or to get some kind of qualification. 
At the same time, we strive to compensate for lost experiences in childhood, to show some 
alternatives for spending free time in a better way, to make them realise the joy of creative 
work. We try to make our girls process all that took place till their coming here, for the sake 
of their becoming able to choose other ways. We believe, if the state of their personality is 
considered elemental, then common goal can be achieved within an institution of several 
In the case of girls coming into our institution, several times can be recognised the scientific 
fact, that earlier victim-status stands behind the different deviant behaviours in the case of 
wrong doers, perpetrators, and youngsters struggling with behavioural problems. For the 
majority of girls, the insufficient family background, some kind of unprocessed trauma define 
the life of all of them, their socialisation, psychological state, through them their behaviour. 
The base of our programme is the structured, therapeutic institutional operation. Our main 
aim is to educate, develop their social skills, intensive part of it is strengthening social 
connections, communal activities, and different cognitive-behavioural programmes. 
Out of our different methods, experiental education, art-therapy, animal-assisted therapy, art 
and craft and sport programmes should be highlighted. 

n our institution mostly pedagogues, colleagues of social qualification, psychologists, qualified 
child-supervisors work. Their work is supported by colleagues ensuring the smooth operation 
of the institution. It must be highlighted that our supporters are universities, other educational 
institutions, volunteers of different fields and churches. 
Through our homepage you can have a look into our institution. You can read about the history 
of the institution, about the present situation. We give a review of the results of our 
educational work, professional experiences. A picture is given of everyday life of those living 
and working here, as well as programmes and events.
We hope that the pages published here can serve you with useful information. 

András Szim director 

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